Five Steps to Reviving a Tired Timber Deck
Don’t replace your tired deck, rescue it by following five steps to deck revival.
If your deck is in disrepair, follow these simple steps to restoring it to be enjoyed for years to come. For best results, choose a warm, dry spell to undergo your timber restoration.
1. Assess the deck
First, check that the deck is structurally sound. Look out for loose, damaged, split, warped or rotten boards and make a list of what needs replacing before heading to your local hardware.
Top tip: Be sure to include balustrades and steps in your pre-timber repair assessment.
2. Replace damaged boards
When replacing boards, it is important to use the same wood profile. Directly replacing old decking boards with the odd new one can look unsightly, so it might make sense to move the boards around. Replacing visible boards with existing boards on the outside of the deck and laying new boards at the edge can make a difference to the finished effect.
Top tip: Remember to use decking-specific nails to avoid timber splitting in wood repair.
3. Clean the decking
Give the deck a good once over with a broom then follow up with a clean.
To remove grease and grime use powerful outdoor cleaner CUTEK® Quickclean. A deep clean may also be necessary in preparation for oiling. CUTEK® Restore is a professional grade wood restoration product that will remove stubborn stains and address oxidization to restore wood to look like new.
Top tip: Visit cutek.com.au to identify the right cleaning solution for your project using the Project Planner.
4. Strip the decking
It may also be necessary to sand or strip the deck to remove all existing wood coatings to allow the deep penetration of CUTEK® to ensure that the wood is prepared right back to the raw material.
CUTEK® Wood Stripper is a safe, mild and effective coating and paint stripper. It is suitable for removing multiple layers of wood coatings such as latex paints, stains, varnishes, linseed oils, acrylics and other film forming coatings.
It’s the smart alternative to conventional strippers that use dangerous chemicals.
5. Apply deck oil
High quality oil will ensure that your deck is fully restored to its former glory. What’s is best is the CUTEK® oil will also protect the deck from the inside and out. Your tired deck may need up to 3 coats to achieve the desired look.
You may consider adding a Colourtone to clear oil. There are 16 different tones available from CUTEK®, each has been specifically developed to closely match popular wood species. Adding a Colourtone is highly recommended for decks that were in bad disrepair with several boards replaced.
Top tip: Where possible, each coat is best applied at the same time to allow it to dry evenly.
How long it takes for timber deck restoration depends on its initial state. Once you’ve assessed the work involved and sourced your materials it could be possible to get the majority of your makeover finished in a day. However, you may find you need to apply second or third coats of deck oil on subsequent days.
Talk to us about how CUTEK®’s range of cleaning products and protective oils can help you to revive your tired deck in time for Summer.