Maintenance is fast and simple

Stabilises your wood – long-term accumulative protection

No flaking or peeling

Simple and easy to use

Cost effective – up to 2x coverage rate of most wood coatings

Australian Made

Unique self-healing effect

Features of CUTEK® Extreme CD50

    Significantly reducing splitting, warping and cupping
    No technical experience necessary
    No need to sand or strip, just simply clean and recoat
    Instead, the coating is designed to fade with time
    Up to 2x the coverage rate of most wood coatings
    Enhances the natural colour and grain of your timber
    Significantly extends the service life of timber
    Stays active inside your timber to protect from the inside out
    We plant 1 tree for every can of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 sold.

Typical Uses

All exterior wood applications except for those listed below:

  • Acetylated wood
  • Food preparation surfaces
  • Wood which comes into direct contact with the ground
  • Engineered bamboo products

CUTEK® Extreme CD50 contains a small amount of copper salts that may impart a faint green hue on some very light or white coloured timbers. This is more likely to occur in internal applications or in areas not exposed to UV light. Some commonly used light coloured timber species used internally where this may be an issue are Hoop Pine, Hemlock, Tasmanian Oak and Victorian Ash (list not exhaustive). We have a copper-free product called CUTEK® Euro (available by special order) which is extensively used as an alternative to CUTEK® Extreme CD50 in these instances . For more information regarding this option, please contact our friendly technical support team who will be able to assist you with your project.

CUTEK® Extreme CD50 may be suitable for use on other engineered and composite wood products (exterior and interior). Please contact our technical support staff for further information regarding the suitability of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 for your specific substrate.


CUTEK® wood oils work differently to traditional wood stain/wood oil/acrylic/urethane/natural oils/wood coating products in that CUTEK® oils protect your timber from the inside out. CUTEK® oils penetrate and diffuse deeply into the wood core upon application, protecting it from the damaging effects of liquid and gas phase moisture, significantly increasing the service life of your timber. It does this by remaining PERMANENTLY MOBILE inside the wood, migrating to any cut or perforation with a self-healing action.

Many opposition products claim to be a penetrating oil finish; however, they often contain a mixture of solvents, polymers and cross-linking natural oils (such as linseed and tung oils) that penetrate only a few millimetres before drying to form an encapsulating type varnish. Because these coatings do not have a self-healing effect, once this varnish is exposed to the weather, water can quickly enter the core of the timber especially if it has been cut or perforated with fasteners leading to a rapid loss of dimensional stability. Additionally, the use of some natural oils in wood coatings can contribute to the development of unsightly mould and fungal growth underneath subsequently applied coatings. This situation can be difficult and costly to fix.


NOTE: Coatings that are not permanently mobile inside the wood and do not exhibit the self-healing effect ARE NOT the same as CUTEK® no matter what is claimed. Our first priority is always to extend and maximise the service life of timber NOT to steer you into the ecosystem of our other products.



True penetration and migration with self healing



Competing Natural Oils / “Penetrating Oils”

Encapsulating coating


In order for CUTEK® Extreme CD50 to function properly, it is essential that it diffuses deeply into the timber. Anything that might prevent this penetration/diffusion, such as an existing coating (not CUTEK® oil), retained moisture, or insufficient time between coats, must be avoided or corrected before applying CUTEK® Extreme CD50.

CUTEK® Extreme CD50 must be applied to wood that is clean, non-greasy and dry (moisture content must be less than 17%). You must appropriately prepare your timber BEFORE applying CUTEK® Extreme CD50.

If you have… NEW TIMBER:

Your timber must be bare, clean and dry before applying CUTEK® Extreme CD50. If your timber presents with surface contaminants such as stains caused by water, iron or tannins, we recommend using CUTEK® Restore prior to application of CUTEK® Extreme CD50.


Old, dirty, stained or grey weathered timber should be prepared and restored by first applying CUTEK® Restore which will remove the grey and reinstate the original natural colour, grain and beauty of your wood prior to application of CUTEK® Extreme CD50.


CUTEK® Extreme CD50 must be applied to bare, clean and dry wood. This allows the CUTEK® oil to freely penetrate/diffuse into your timber. New pre-coated wood (pre-coated with products other than CUTEK® oils) or wood previously coated with a film forming product such as stains, linseed oil, cross-linking vegetable oils, paint, polyurethane, water-based oils, etc. can inhibit this penetration/diffusion and must be removed first with CUTEK® Wood Stripper and CUTEK® Restore prior to the application of CUTEK® Extreme CD50. In some circumstances complete removal of previous coatings by machine sanding/abrasion can also be a suitable preparation method.


Prepare for a maintenance recoat of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 by using CUTEK® Quickclean to remove grease, grime and other dirt from your timber. If maintenance has been neglected for a long period of time and the timber has either greyed, become heavily stained by tannins or iron, or if there is an excessive build-up of CUTEK® Colourtone, use CUTEK® Restore to refresh your timber prior to recoating.


Important information before proceeding:


A significant amount of new timber is now sold with a pre-treatment or pre-coating already applied. Particular attention needs to be paid to find out whether your timber has been pre-treated or pre-coated with a non-CUTEK® oil product PRIOR to applying CUTEK® Extreme CD50. An easy way to tell if your timber has been pre-coated with another product is to flick a few drops of water onto your timber. If the water sinks in, that means there is no barrier to stop CUTEK® Extreme CD50 from penetration and you will be able to start coating with CUTEK® Extreme CD50 right away. However, if the water beads on the surface of your wood this is a good indication that your timber has had a prior treatment/coating applied and you will need to adequately prepare your wood as per the instructions for “If you have… WOOD PREVIOUSLY COATED WITH A NON-CUTEK® COATING” above before you start coating with CUTEK® Extreme CD50. If you have any questions about this process, please contact one of our friendly technical advisers on 1300 1 CUTEK (1300 1 28835).

NOTE: This warning does not apply to any timber that has been pre-coated in CUTEK® branded products (except CUTEK® Interior).

Some manufacturers of pre-coating products falsely claim that any other product, including CUTEK® oils, may be applied over the top of their existing coating. These statements are inaccurate and misleading in relation to CUTEK® oil products. If you are unsure about the correct preparation method for your CUTEK® project, please contact one of our friendly staff who are more than willing to advise you correctly.

When using timber pre-coated in something other than CUTEK® oils, another important factor to note is that some coating types (particularly those based on cross-linking vegetable oils such as linseed, tung oils etc.) may actively promote mould and biological growth which can lead to unsightly discolouration appearing on your timber as it ages over time. It is very important that you remove all traces of these types of coating PRIOR to coating with CUTEK® Extreme CD50 to avoid these biological stains (mould and fungi) appearing . Unlike vegetable oil based products, CUTEK® oils do not act as an active promoter of biological growth.


CUTEK® Extreme CD50 contains a small amount of copper salts that may impart a faint green hue on some very light or white coloured timbers. This is more likely to occur in internal applications or in areas not exposed to UV light. Some commonly used light coloured timber species used internally where this may be an issue are Hoop Pine, Hemlock, Tasmanian Oak and Victorian Ash (list not exhaustive). We have a copper-free product called CUTEK® Euro (available by special order) which is extensively used as an alternative to CUTEK® Extreme CD50 in these instances . For more information regarding this option, please contact our friendly technical support team who will be able to assist you with your project.

To determine if CUTEK® Extreme CD50 or CUTEK® Euro is appropriate for your timber, or contact us for further advice.

Restore old, weathered or stained timber to look like new

View productFind A Stockist

Clean your timber for a maintenance recoat

View productFind A Stockist

Removes paint and surface coatings from timber.

View productFind A Stockist

Step 2   Protect

Before you protect

Before you begin, note the hazards and precautions on this website and the can labelling, and ensure that you use the correct safety equipment as detailed in the Safety Data Sheet.


Once applied, CUTEK® Extreme CD50 generally requires 2-3 days of dry conditions after coating to facilitate full penetration/diffusion and an even colour finish; so check your weather forecast before coating.


Clear, un-tinted CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will allow your wood to naturally lighten/silver/grey when exposed to sunlight while retaining its protection characteristics. Unless you want a clear finish that will naturally lighten/silver/grey off in a few months, it is important to mix in 1 CUTEK® Colourtone to this can of oil before use. Adding a CUTEK® Colourtone provides UV colour protection and slows the lightening/silvering process.

To choose which Colourtone suits your timber and project, visit our Colourtone page.

Note: CUTEK® Extreme CD50 diffuses deeply into your timber and will continue to provide moisture protection and improve dimensional stability even if a CUTEK® Colourtone is not added and your wood becomes weathered and greyed.


After preparing your timber, it will need to be completely dry prior to coating with CUTEK® Extreme CD50. It is very important that your timber is clean, non-greasy and dry with a moisture content of less than 17%. It is also very important that the surface of the wood is free from chemical residues and is not exposed to environmental contaminants such as dusts while CUTEK is drying.

Stir the CUTEK® Extreme CD50 oil thoroughly (with the added CUTEK® Colourtone if desired) before and during use. Make sure you stir from the bottom of the can to ensure active ingredients are properly mixed throughout the oil.

Apply thin, even coats with a brush, paint pad or lambswool applicator. CUTEK®’s DeckBoss brush is a good option. CUTEK® Extreme CD50 works best when applied as a THIN COAT – two or three thin coats on finished wood and hardwoods are much better than one or two thick coats. For best results, ONE coat of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 should be applied to all faces of the wood prior to installing, with a SECOND coat applied to the top surface once the first coat has completely penetrated/diffused.

Drying time

Unlike traditional wood coatings, CUTEK® Extreme CD50 needs to penetrate/diffuse deeply into your timber. After coating, CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will slowly migrate into your wood to repel moisture, improve dimensional stability and lengthen the service life of your timber. This penetration/diffusion process varies in time for many reasons including differences in timber type (species, density, porosity, age of timber and residual moisture content) as well as environmental factors (temperature, humidity, weather).

Sometimes this drying process can take several days to complete. You will know when your timber is ready for a recoat of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 when it is completely dry and non-greasy. Please note the second coat of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will take longer to migrate into your timber than the first coat.


Equipment (including brushes) may be cleaned with turps or soap and water. If not correctly cleaned or disposed of, oily rags and other oily materials may cause combustion fires. After use you MUST immediately spread out all oily material outside to dry, by flattening them out to their full size in an airy spot at temperatures above 4 degrees Celsius, or wash them thoroughly with water and detergent and rinse. Remove all oil from all clothes, tools, rags and any other materials contacted during use or as a result of an accidental spill. Ensure wash water is disposed in accordance with local regulations.

 New hardwoods dressed 10–20m2/litre
Old restored timber dressed 7–9m2/litre
New timber rough sawn 7–9m2/litre
Old restored timber rough sawn 4–7m2/litre
Shingles and shakes 2–5m2/litre

These figures represent typical averages for common decking and cladding timber species and are to be used as a guideline only.


With CUTEK® oils, maintenance is simple, fast, and cost effective. CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will not crack, peel or split, and your wood can be easily rejuvenated or restored using our Prepare and Protect system – no need to sand or strip.

CUTEK® Extreme CD50 should be reapplied when the wood is no longer beading water, or as frequently as necessary to retain the natural beauty and colour of the wood.

Due to the accumulative effect of CUTEK® Extreme CD50, generally each maintenance coat will use less oil than the previous coat. As the protective properties build up inside the timber, the time between when re-coats are required can extend.

Typically, horizontal exterior wood surfaces exposed to full weather such as pool decks and handrails will require re-coating more frequently (initially after 6 months, then annually), while other surfaces such as vertical rough-sawn cladding will need recoating less often.

  • What do I use to clean up a CUTEK® oil spill?

    Time is of the essence.  For best results clean up the excess with rags and then work the stain with CUTEK® Quickclean in water to remove as much of the spill as possible.  If CUTEK® Quickclean is not available, then mix dishwashing liquid into warm water with some mineral turpentine if possible and work the stain with this mixture.

  • Are CUTEK® exterior wood protection oils interchangeable?

    Yes. All exterior CUTEK® oils are interchangeable. For example, if a customer has originally used CUTEK® Extreme CD50 on their timber and for future maintenance the customer now wants to use CUTEK® Wood Preservative, or vice versa then that is perfectly OK.

    Do not worry if your previous CUTEK® oil has now been discontinued. CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative are able to be used over the top of CUTEK® CD50 and CUTEK® Low VOC.

    NOTE: We do not recommend that different types of CUTEK® exterior oils are mixed together in the can.

  • Do CUTEK® timber oils have an accumulative effect?

    Yes. CUTEK® timber oils deeply diffuse into timber, protecting it from the inside out. CUTEK® timber oils stay permanently mobile inside the timber to repel and displace moisture. With each additional coat of CUTEK® timber oil, this protection increases. This means that the more CUTEK® oil you let soak deep into your timber, the better protected against water that timber will be.

  • How many coats of CUTEK® oil are required for maintenance and how frequently should timber be maintained with CUTEK®?

    One THIN coat is all that is required for maintenance of an existing exterior CUTEK® job. Maintenance intervals vary widely and are dependent on many factors such as age and porosity of the wood, species, situation, design, aspect, and degree of exposure to the weather.

    Maintain as frequently as deemed necessary to retain the natural beauty and colour of the timber, or if your wood is no longer beading water.

  • Can I apply CUTEK® without sanding between coats?

    CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative do not behave like traditional film forming coatings, meaning there is no need to sand between coats, unless there is a need to rectify some defect in the timber substrate.

  • Can I apply CUTEK® exterior oils on hot sunny days?

    Yes. Unlike many timber coatings, CUTEK® oils perform well in dry, hot conditions. In fact, heat and ventilation greatly assist the deep diffusion of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative into the timber.

  • Can I apply CUTEK® oils to timber cladding, soffits, panelling, battens and screens?

    Yes. CUTEK® oils can be applied to all exterior timber features. A benefit of using CUTEK® timber oils on cladding, soffits, panelling, battens and screens is the ease of maintenance. No need to sand or strip your timber –  simply clean and recoat.

  • What should be avoided when planning to coat timber with CUTEK® Extreme CD50 or CUTEK® Wood Preservative?
    1. Wet wood, or wood with a high moisture content. Your wood should contain a maximum moisture content of 17%, as anything higher can significantly delay the drying process. If this happens, CUTEK® oils may sit on the surface and eventually go tacky without penetrating properly.
    2. Too many coats too soon. The first application of CUTEK® oil needs to completely diffuse and dry before the next coat is applied.
    3. Existing oil, stain or paint on the surface. Existing film coatings act as a barrier to CUTEK® oil’s penetration. Old coatings must be fully removed by sanding and/or chemical stripping prior to applying CUTEK®.
    4. Cold weather. In cold weather, CUTEK® oils will become thicker and may result in too much oil being applied when coating in cooler climates. It helps to warm oil by placing in a sunny/warm spot before application to make is thinner and enhance penetration.
    5. Contamination. It is very important to ensure that timber surfaces to be coated with CUTEK® oils are free from chemical residues and are not exposed to environmental contaminants such as dusts while the applied CUTEK is drying.  It is possible that contact with highly alkaline contaminants such as cement/fertiliser/other dusts or poorly rinsed cleaners may lead to chemical staining.
  • When should a colourtone be added to CUTEK® wood oils?

    Un-tinted CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will quickly lighten/silver/grey with exposure to sunlight. Unless you want a clear finish that will naturally lighten/silver/grey off in a few months, it is important to mix in a CUTEK® Colourtones to CUTEK® oil before use. Adding CUTEK® Colourtones will provide UV colour protection and slows the lightening/silvering process.

    NOTE: CUTEK® oils diffuse deeply into your timber and will continue to provide moisture protection and improve dimensional stability even if CUTEK® Colourtones are not added and your wood becomes weathered and greyed. To maintain your timber’s natural colour for longer, choose a CUTEK® Colourtone similar to the natural colour of your timber. Suggested CUTEK® Colourtones that match the natural hue of your timber can be found on our Colourtone product page. Colourtones can also help alter your timber colour if required (e.g. make your timber look lighter or darker than its natural state).

    Order a free from our website or your local stockist to test if your chosen Colourtone is right for your project.

    NOTE: CUTEK® is unable to offer any specific performance warranties in relation to colour retention for CUTEK® products because of many variables related to the weathering process including but not limited to: the age and porosity of the wood, species, situation, design and structure, aspect, differing exposure to the weather and adequacy of preparation.

  • How long does it take for CUTEK® Extreme CD50/Wood Preservative to dry?

    Unlike traditional wood coatings, CUTEK® oil needs to penetrate/diffuse deeply into your timber. After coating, CUTEK® oil will slowly migrate into your wood to repel and displace moisture, improve dimensional stability and lengthen the service life of your timber. This penetration/diffusion process varies in time for many reasons including differences in timber type (species, density, porosity, age of timber and residual moisture content) as well as environmental factors (temperature, humidity, weather). Sometimes this drying process can take several days to complete. You will know when your timber is ready for a recoat of CUTEK® oil when it is completely dry and non-greasy. Please note the second coat of CUTEK® oil will take longer to migrate into your timber than the first coat.

  • What is the average coverage rate (sqm/litre) when using CUTEK® oils?

    CUTEK®’s timber oils coverage will be different depending on the density of the timber you are intending to coat. Please see below for a guide on the coverage rate of different timbers:

    New hardwoods dressed: 10-20 sqm/litre

    Old restored timber dressed: 7-9 sqm/litre

    New timber rough sawn: 7-9 sqm/litre

    Old restored timber rough sawn: 4-7 sqm/litre

    Shingles and shakes: 2-5 sqm/litre

    Head to our Project Planner to learn more about the best products for your project and use our Coverage Calculator.

  • How many coats of CUTEK® oil are required on new timber?

    We recommend applying two thin coats of CUTEK® timber oil for the initial application. A great solution is to have your timber precoated on all sides with your chosen CUTEK® timber oil by a commercial precoater before it arrives on site – (contact us is you need assistance with this). A further thin coat of CUTEK® oil is then applied after installation. Subsequent maintenance coats should be reapplied when the wood is no longer beading water, or as frequently as necessary to retain the natural beauty and colour of the wood.

  • Can I apply CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative without preparing my timber?

    CUTEK® timber oils must be applied to clean, dry and non-greasy timber. It is vital that previous coatings are removed prior to applying a coat of CUTEK® timber oil.

    CUTEK® timber oil may be applied to new timber without preparation however for the best possible outcomes we recommend using CUTEK® Restore to clean the surface and open up the grain of the timber to assist in the diffusion of CUTEK® timber oil and removal of extractives/tannins.

  • How do I apply CUTEK® Extreme CD50/Wood Preservative?

    STEP 1: Prepare

    Before using CUTEK® oil, ensure the wood to be coated is clean, non-greasy and dry (moisture content must be less than 17%). You must appropriately prepare your timber BEFORE applying CUTEK® oil. It is also very important that the surface of the wood is free from chemical residues and is not exposed to environmental contaminants such as dusts while CUTEK® oil is drying.

    If you have… NEW TIMBER:

    Your timber must be bare, clean and dry before applying CUTEK® oil. If your timber presents with surface contaminants such as stains caused by water, iron or tannins, or chemical residues, we recommend using CUTEK® Restore prior to application of CUTEK® Wood Preservative.


    Old, dirty, stained or grey weathered timber should be prepared and restored by first applying CUTEK® Restore which will remove the grey and reinstate the original natural colour, grain and beauty of your wood prior to application of CUTEK® oils.


    CUTEK® oils must be applied to bare, clean and dry wood. This allows the CUTEK® oil to freely penetrate/diffuse into your timber. Wood previously coated with a film forming product such as stains, linseed oil, paint, polyurethane, water-based oils, etc. can inhibit this penetration/diffusion and must be removed first with CUTEK® Wood Stripper and CUTEK® Restore prior to the application of CUTEK® oil. In some circumstances complete removal of previous coatings by machine sanding/abrasion can also be a suitable preparation method.


    Prepare for a maintenance recoat of CUTEK oil by using CUTEK® Quickclean to remove grease, grime and other dirt from your timber. If maintenance has been neglected for a long period of time and the timber has either greyed, become heavily stained by tannins or iron, or if there is an excessive build-up of CUTEK® Colourtone, use CUTEK® Restore to refresh your timber prior to recoating.

    STEP 2: Protect

    BEFORE YOU PROTECT: After preparing your timber, it will need to be completely dry prior to coating with CUTEK® oil. It is very important that your timber is clean, non-greasy and dry with a moisture content of less than 17%. It is also very important that the surface of the wood is free from chemical residues and is not exposed to environmental contaminants such as dusts while CUTEK® oil is drying.

    WEATHER: Once applied, CUTEK® oil generally requires 2-3 days of dry conditions after coating to facilitate full penetration/diffusion and an even colour finish; so check your weather forecast before coating.

    COLOURTONE: Clear, un-tinted CUTEK® oil will allow your wood to naturally lighten/silver/grey when exposed to sunlight while retaining its protection characteristics. Unless you want a clear finish that will naturally lighten/silver/grey off in a few months, it is important to mix in 1 CUTEK® Colourtone to this can of oil before use.

    APPLICATION: Stir the CUTEK® Oil oil thoroughly (with the added CUTEK® Colourtone if desired) before and during use. Make sure you stir from the bottom of the can to ensure active ingredients are properly mixed throughout the oil. Apply thin, even coats with a brush, paint pad or lambswool applicator. CUTEK®’s DeckBoss brush is a good option. TIP: CUTEK® oil works best when applied as a THIN COAT – two or three thin coats on finished wood and hardwoods are much better than one or two thick coats. For best results, ONE coat of CUTEK® oil should be applied to all faces of the wood prior to installing, and apply a SECOND coat once the first coat has completely penetrated/diffused.

    DRYING TIME: Unlike traditional wood coatings, CUTEK® oil needs to penetrate/diffuse deeply into your timber. After coating, CUTEK® oil will slowly migrate into your wood to repel and displace moisture, improve dimensional stability and lengthen the service life of your timber.

    This penetration/diffusion process varies in time for many reasons including differences in timber type (species, density, porosity, age of timber and residual moisture content) as well as environmental factors (temperature, humidity, weather). Sometimes this drying process can take several days to complete. You will know when your timber is ready for a recoat of CUTEK® oil when it is completely dry and non-greasy. Please note the second coat of CUTEK® oil will take longer to migrate into your timber than the first coat.

    CLEAN-UP: Equipment (including brushes) may be cleaned with turps or soap and water. If not correctly cleaned or disposed of, oily rags and other oily materials may cause combustion fires. After use you MUST immediately spread out all oily material outside to dry, by flattening them out to their full size in an airy spot at temperatures above 4 degrees Celsius, or wash them thoroughly with water and detergent and rinse. Remove all oil from all clothes, tools, rags and any other materials contacted during use or as a result of an accidental spill. Ensure wash water is disposed in accordance with local regulations.

    MAINTENANCE: With CUTEK®, maintenance is simple, fast, and cost effective. CUTEK® oil will not crack, peel or split, and your wood can be easily rejuvenated or restored using our Prepare and Protect system – no need to sand or strip. CUTEK® oil should be reapplied when the wood is no longer beading water, or as frequently as necessary to retain the natural beauty and colour of the wood. Typically, horizontal exterior wood surfaces exposed to full weather such as pool decks and handrails will require re-coating more frequently (initially after 6 months, then annually), while other surfaces such as vertical rough-sawn cladding will need recoating less often.

  • Why do I have to wait between coats?

    CUTEK® timber oil must be allowed to diffuse into the wood and fully cure between coats. If it is not fully dried, and another coat is applied the drying time of the second coat may be extended for much longer than it needs to be.

    The speed of the drying process varies according to many different factors such as density, porosity, species, residual moisture content and temperature.  Precoated timbers will always dry faster if stacked outside.

  • I have just applied CUTEK® exterior oil and it is taking a long time to dry. Why is this?

    CUTEK® oils work by deeply diffusing into the wood and they won’t dry on the surface until this process has been fully completed. The drying process varies in time according to many different factors such as density, porosity, species, residual moisture content and temperature, humidity, wood species and wood density.

    To help ensure your CUTEK® oil dries as quickly as possible, make sure you avoid:

    • Wet wood, or wood with a high moisture content. Your wood should contain a maximum moisture content of 17%, as anything higher can significantly delay the drying process. If this happens, CUTEK® oils may sit on the surface and eventually go tacky without penetrating properly.
    • Cold weather. In cold weather, CUTEK® oils will become thicker and therefore too much oil is applied. Warm oil by placing in a sunny/warm spot before application to make it thinner and enhance penetration.
    • Too many coats too soon. The first application of CUTEK® oil needs to completely diffuse and dry fully before the next coat is applied.
    • Existing oil, stain or paint on the surface. Existing film coats act as a barrier to a CUTEK® oil’s penetration. Old coatings must be fully removed by sanding and or chemical stripping prior to applying any CUTEK® exterior timber oil.

    For best results, always allow CUTEK® oil to fully diffuse before recoating or use.  if you cannot wait, rag off the excess material on the surface and the coating will dry on top at a much faster rate.

  • Do CUTEK® timber oils ever peel or flake?

    No. CUTEK® timber oils (CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative) will not peel or flake, although over time CUTEK® coated wood will fade where it is exposed to the sun. If this occurs, the timber will require a maintenance coat of Colourtoned CUTEK® oil to maintain your colour choice. The rate of fading will vary depending on species, situation, design, degree of weather exposure and other environmental factors.



  • Why CUTEK® Extreme CD50

    Features of CUTEK® Extreme CD50

      Significantly reducing splitting, warping and cupping
      No technical experience necessary
      No need to sand or strip, just simply clean and recoat
      Instead, the coating is designed to fade with time
      Up to 2x the coverage rate of most wood coatings
      Enhances the natural colour and grain of your timber
      Significantly extends the service life of timber
      Stays active inside your timber to protect from the inside out
      We plant 1 tree for every can of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 sold.

    Typical Uses

    All exterior wood applications except for those listed below:

    • Acetylated wood
    • Food preparation surfaces
    • Wood which comes into direct contact with the ground
    • Engineered bamboo products

    CUTEK® Extreme CD50 contains a small amount of copper salts that may impart a faint green hue on some very light or white coloured timbers. This is more likely to occur in internal applications or in areas not exposed to UV light. Some commonly used light coloured timber species used internally where this may be an issue are Hoop Pine, Hemlock, Tasmanian Oak and Victorian Ash (list not exhaustive). We have a copper-free product called CUTEK® Euro (available by special order) which is extensively used as an alternative to CUTEK® Extreme CD50 in these instances . For more information regarding this option, please contact our friendly technical support team who will be able to assist you with your project.

    CUTEK® Extreme CD50 may be suitable for use on other engineered and composite wood products (exterior and interior). Please contact our technical support staff for further information regarding the suitability of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 for your specific substrate.


    CUTEK® wood oils work differently to traditional wood stain/wood oil/acrylic/urethane/natural oils/wood coating products in that CUTEK® oils protect your timber from the inside out. CUTEK® oils penetrate and diffuse deeply into the wood core upon application, protecting it from the damaging effects of liquid and gas phase moisture, significantly increasing the service life of your timber. It does this by remaining PERMANENTLY MOBILE inside the wood, migrating to any cut or perforation with a self-healing action.

    Many opposition products claim to be a penetrating oil finish; however, they often contain a mixture of solvents, polymers and cross-linking natural oils (such as linseed and tung oils) that penetrate only a few millimetres before drying to form an encapsulating type varnish. Because these coatings do not have a self-healing effect, once this varnish is exposed to the weather, water can quickly enter the core of the timber especially if it has been cut or perforated with fasteners leading to a rapid loss of dimensional stability. Additionally, the use of some natural oils in wood coatings can contribute to the development of unsightly mould and fungal growth underneath subsequently applied coatings. This situation can be difficult and costly to fix.


    NOTE: Coatings that are not permanently mobile inside the wood and do not exhibit the self-healing effect ARE NOT the same as CUTEK® no matter what is claimed. Our first priority is always to extend and maximise the service life of timber NOT to steer you into the ecosystem of our other products.


    CUTEK® Oils

    True penetration and migration with self healing



    Competing Natural Oils / “Penetrating Oils”

    Encapsulating coating

  • Preparation


    In order for CUTEK® Extreme CD50 to function properly, it is essential that it diffuses deeply into the timber. Anything that might prevent this penetration/diffusion, such as an existing coating (not CUTEK® oil), retained moisture, or insufficient time between coats, must be avoided or corrected before applying CUTEK® Extreme CD50.

    CUTEK® Extreme CD50 must be applied to wood that is clean, non-greasy and dry (moisture content must be less than 17%). You must appropriately prepare your timber BEFORE applying CUTEK® Extreme CD50.

    If you have… NEW TIMBER:

    Your timber must be bare, clean and dry before applying CUTEK® Extreme CD50. If your timber presents with surface contaminants such as stains caused by water, iron or tannins, we recommend using CUTEK® Restore prior to application of CUTEK® Extreme CD50.


    Old, dirty, stained or grey weathered timber should be prepared and restored by first applying CUTEK® Restore which will remove the grey and reinstate the original natural colour, grain and beauty of your wood prior to application of CUTEK® Extreme CD50.


    CUTEK® Extreme CD50 must be applied to bare, clean and dry wood. This allows the CUTEK® oil to freely penetrate/diffuse into your timber. New pre-coated wood (pre-coated with products other than CUTEK® oils) or wood previously coated with a film forming product such as stains, linseed oil, cross-linking vegetable oils, paint, polyurethane, water-based oils, etc. can inhibit this penetration/diffusion and must be removed first with CUTEK® Wood Stripper and CUTEK® Restore prior to the application of CUTEK® Extreme CD50. In some circumstances complete removal of previous coatings by machine sanding/abrasion can also be a suitable preparation method.


    Prepare for a maintenance recoat of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 by using CUTEK® Quickclean to remove grease, grime and other dirt from your timber. If maintenance has been neglected for a long period of time and the timber has either greyed, become heavily stained by tannins or iron, or if there is an excessive build-up of CUTEK® Colourtone, use CUTEK® Restore to refresh your timber prior to recoating.


    Important information before proceeding:


    A significant amount of new timber is now sold with a pre-treatment or pre-coating already applied. Particular attention needs to be paid to find out whether your timber has been pre-treated or pre-coated with a non-CUTEK® oil product PRIOR to applying CUTEK® Extreme CD50. An easy way to tell if your timber has been pre-coated with another product is to flick a few drops of water onto your timber. If the water sinks in, that means there is no barrier to stop CUTEK® Extreme CD50 from penetration and you will be able to start coating with CUTEK® Extreme CD50 right away. However, if the water beads on the surface of your wood this is a good indication that your timber has had a prior treatment/coating applied and you will need to adequately prepare your wood as per the instructions for “If you have… WOOD PREVIOUSLY COATED WITH A NON-CUTEK® COATING” above before you start coating with CUTEK® Extreme CD50. If you have any questions about this process, please contact one of our friendly technical advisers on 1300 1 CUTEK (1300 1 28835).

    NOTE: This warning does not apply to any timber that has been pre-coated in CUTEK® branded products (except CUTEK® Interior).

    Some manufacturers of pre-coating products falsely claim that any other product, including CUTEK® oils, may be applied over the top of their existing coating. These statements are inaccurate and misleading in relation to CUTEK® oil products. If you are unsure about the correct preparation method for your CUTEK® project, please contact one of our friendly staff who are more than willing to advise you correctly.

    When using timber pre-coated in something other than CUTEK® oils, another important factor to note is that some coating types (particularly those based on cross-linking vegetable oils such as linseed, tung oils etc.) may actively promote mould and biological growth which can lead to unsightly discolouration appearing on your timber as it ages over time. It is very important that you remove all traces of these types of coating PRIOR to coating with CUTEK® Extreme CD50 to avoid these biological stains (mould and fungi) appearing . Unlike vegetable oil based products, CUTEK® oils do not act as an active promoter of biological growth.


    CUTEK® Extreme CD50 contains a small amount of copper salts that may impart a faint green hue on some very light or white coloured timbers. This is more likely to occur in internal applications or in areas not exposed to UV light. Some commonly used light coloured timber species used internally where this may be an issue are Hoop Pine, Hemlock, Tasmanian Oak and Victorian Ash (list not exhaustive). We have a copper-free product called CUTEK® Euro (available by special order) which is extensively used as an alternative to CUTEK® Extreme CD50 in these instances . For more information regarding this option, please contact our friendly technical support team who will be able to assist you with your project.

    To determine if CUTEK® Extreme CD50 or CUTEK® Euro is appropriate for your timber, or contact us for further advice.

    Restore old, weathered or stained timber to look like new

    View productFind A Stockist

    Clean your timber for a maintenance recoat

    View productFind A Stockist

    Removes paint and surface coatings from timber.

    View productFind A Stockist
  • How to Apply

    Step 2   Protect

    Before you protect

    Before you begin, note the hazards and precautions on this website and the can labelling, and ensure that you use the correct safety equipment as detailed in the Safety Data Sheet.


    Once applied, CUTEK® Extreme CD50 generally requires 2-3 days of dry conditions after coating to facilitate full penetration/diffusion and an even colour finish; so check your weather forecast before coating.


    Clear, un-tinted CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will allow your wood to naturally lighten/silver/grey when exposed to sunlight while retaining its protection characteristics. Unless you want a clear finish that will naturally lighten/silver/grey off in a few months, it is important to mix in 1 CUTEK® Colourtone to this can of oil before use. Adding a CUTEK® Colourtone provides UV colour protection and slows the lightening/silvering process.

    To choose which Colourtone suits your timber and project, visit our Colourtone page.

    Note: CUTEK® Extreme CD50 diffuses deeply into your timber and will continue to provide moisture protection and improve dimensional stability even if a CUTEK® Colourtone is not added and your wood becomes weathered and greyed.


    After preparing your timber, it will need to be completely dry prior to coating with CUTEK® Extreme CD50. It is very important that your timber is clean, non-greasy and dry with a moisture content of less than 17%. It is also very important that the surface of the wood is free from chemical residues and is not exposed to environmental contaminants such as dusts while CUTEK is drying.

    Stir the CUTEK® Extreme CD50 oil thoroughly (with the added CUTEK® Colourtone if desired) before and during use. Make sure you stir from the bottom of the can to ensure active ingredients are properly mixed throughout the oil.

    Apply thin, even coats with a brush, paint pad or lambswool applicator. CUTEK®’s DeckBoss brush is a good option. CUTEK® Extreme CD50 works best when applied as a THIN COAT – two or three thin coats on finished wood and hardwoods are much better than one or two thick coats. For best results, ONE coat of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 should be applied to all faces of the wood prior to installing, with a SECOND coat applied to the top surface once the first coat has completely penetrated/diffused.

    Drying time

    Unlike traditional wood coatings, CUTEK® Extreme CD50 needs to penetrate/diffuse deeply into your timber. After coating, CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will slowly migrate into your wood to repel moisture, improve dimensional stability and lengthen the service life of your timber. This penetration/diffusion process varies in time for many reasons including differences in timber type (species, density, porosity, age of timber and residual moisture content) as well as environmental factors (temperature, humidity, weather).

    Sometimes this drying process can take several days to complete. You will know when your timber is ready for a recoat of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 when it is completely dry and non-greasy. Please note the second coat of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will take longer to migrate into your timber than the first coat.


    Equipment (including brushes) may be cleaned with turps or soap and water. If not correctly cleaned or disposed of, oily rags and other oily materials may cause combustion fires. After use you MUST immediately spread out all oily material outside to dry, by flattening them out to their full size in an airy spot at temperatures above 4 degrees Celsius, or wash them thoroughly with water and detergent and rinse. Remove all oil from all clothes, tools, rags and any other materials contacted during use or as a result of an accidental spill. Ensure wash water is disposed in accordance with local regulations.

     New hardwoods dressed 10–20m2/litre
    Old restored timber dressed 7–9m2/litre
    New timber rough sawn 7–9m2/litre
    Old restored timber rough sawn 4–7m2/litre
    Shingles and shakes 2–5m2/litre

    These figures represent typical averages for common decking and cladding timber species and are to be used as a guideline only.

  • Maintenance


    With CUTEK® oils, maintenance is simple, fast, and cost effective. CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will not crack, peel or split, and your wood can be easily rejuvenated or restored using our Prepare and Protect system – no need to sand or strip.

    CUTEK® Extreme CD50 should be reapplied when the wood is no longer beading water, or as frequently as necessary to retain the natural beauty and colour of the wood.

    Due to the accumulative effect of CUTEK® Extreme CD50, generally each maintenance coat will use less oil than the previous coat. As the protective properties build up inside the timber, the time between when re-coats are required can extend.

    Typically, horizontal exterior wood surfaces exposed to full weather such as pool decks and handrails will require re-coating more frequently (initially after 6 months, then annually), while other surfaces such as vertical rough-sawn cladding will need recoating less often.

  • FAQs
    • What do I use to clean up a CUTEK® oil spill?

      Time is of the essence.  For best results clean up the excess with rags and then work the stain with CUTEK® Quickclean in water to remove as much of the spill as possible.  If CUTEK® Quickclean is not available, then mix dishwashing liquid into warm water with some mineral turpentine if possible and work the stain with this mixture.

    • Are CUTEK® exterior wood protection oils interchangeable?

      Yes. All exterior CUTEK® oils are interchangeable. For example, if a customer has originally used CUTEK® Extreme CD50 on their timber and for future maintenance the customer now wants to use CUTEK® Wood Preservative, or vice versa then that is perfectly OK.

      Do not worry if your previous CUTEK® oil has now been discontinued. CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative are able to be used over the top of CUTEK® CD50 and CUTEK® Low VOC.

      NOTE: We do not recommend that different types of CUTEK® exterior oils are mixed together in the can.

    • Do CUTEK® timber oils have an accumulative effect?

      Yes. CUTEK® timber oils deeply diffuse into timber, protecting it from the inside out. CUTEK® timber oils stay permanently mobile inside the timber to repel and displace moisture. With each additional coat of CUTEK® timber oil, this protection increases. This means that the more CUTEK® oil you let soak deep into your timber, the better protected against water that timber will be.

    • How many coats of CUTEK® oil are required for maintenance and how frequently should timber be maintained with CUTEK®?

      One THIN coat is all that is required for maintenance of an existing exterior CUTEK® job. Maintenance intervals vary widely and are dependent on many factors such as age and porosity of the wood, species, situation, design, aspect, and degree of exposure to the weather.

      Maintain as frequently as deemed necessary to retain the natural beauty and colour of the timber, or if your wood is no longer beading water.

    • Can I apply CUTEK® without sanding between coats?

      CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative do not behave like traditional film forming coatings, meaning there is no need to sand between coats, unless there is a need to rectify some defect in the timber substrate.

    • Can I apply CUTEK® exterior oils on hot sunny days?

      Yes. Unlike many timber coatings, CUTEK® oils perform well in dry, hot conditions. In fact, heat and ventilation greatly assist the deep diffusion of CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative into the timber.

    • Can I apply CUTEK® oils to timber cladding, soffits, panelling, battens and screens?

      Yes. CUTEK® oils can be applied to all exterior timber features. A benefit of using CUTEK® timber oils on cladding, soffits, panelling, battens and screens is the ease of maintenance. No need to sand or strip your timber –  simply clean and recoat.

    • What should be avoided when planning to coat timber with CUTEK® Extreme CD50 or CUTEK® Wood Preservative?
      1. Wet wood, or wood with a high moisture content. Your wood should contain a maximum moisture content of 17%, as anything higher can significantly delay the drying process. If this happens, CUTEK® oils may sit on the surface and eventually go tacky without penetrating properly.
      2. Too many coats too soon. The first application of CUTEK® oil needs to completely diffuse and dry before the next coat is applied.
      3. Existing oil, stain or paint on the surface. Existing film coatings act as a barrier to CUTEK® oil’s penetration. Old coatings must be fully removed by sanding and/or chemical stripping prior to applying CUTEK®.
      4. Cold weather. In cold weather, CUTEK® oils will become thicker and may result in too much oil being applied when coating in cooler climates. It helps to warm oil by placing in a sunny/warm spot before application to make is thinner and enhance penetration.
      5. Contamination. It is very important to ensure that timber surfaces to be coated with CUTEK® oils are free from chemical residues and are not exposed to environmental contaminants such as dusts while the applied CUTEK is drying.  It is possible that contact with highly alkaline contaminants such as cement/fertiliser/other dusts or poorly rinsed cleaners may lead to chemical staining.
    • When should a colourtone be added to CUTEK® wood oils?

      Un-tinted CUTEK® Extreme CD50 will quickly lighten/silver/grey with exposure to sunlight. Unless you want a clear finish that will naturally lighten/silver/grey off in a few months, it is important to mix in a CUTEK® Colourtones to CUTEK® oil before use. Adding CUTEK® Colourtones will provide UV colour protection and slows the lightening/silvering process.

      NOTE: CUTEK® oils diffuse deeply into your timber and will continue to provide moisture protection and improve dimensional stability even if CUTEK® Colourtones are not added and your wood becomes weathered and greyed. To maintain your timber’s natural colour for longer, choose a CUTEK® Colourtone similar to the natural colour of your timber. Suggested CUTEK® Colourtones that match the natural hue of your timber can be found on our Colourtone product page. Colourtones can also help alter your timber colour if required (e.g. make your timber look lighter or darker than its natural state).

      Order a free from our website or your local stockist to test if your chosen Colourtone is right for your project.

      NOTE: CUTEK® is unable to offer any specific performance warranties in relation to colour retention for CUTEK® products because of many variables related to the weathering process including but not limited to: the age and porosity of the wood, species, situation, design and structure, aspect, differing exposure to the weather and adequacy of preparation.

    • How long does it take for CUTEK® Extreme CD50/Wood Preservative to dry?

      Unlike traditional wood coatings, CUTEK® oil needs to penetrate/diffuse deeply into your timber. After coating, CUTEK® oil will slowly migrate into your wood to repel and displace moisture, improve dimensional stability and lengthen the service life of your timber. This penetration/diffusion process varies in time for many reasons including differences in timber type (species, density, porosity, age of timber and residual moisture content) as well as environmental factors (temperature, humidity, weather). Sometimes this drying process can take several days to complete. You will know when your timber is ready for a recoat of CUTEK® oil when it is completely dry and non-greasy. Please note the second coat of CUTEK® oil will take longer to migrate into your timber than the first coat.

    • What is the average coverage rate (sqm/litre) when using CUTEK® oils?

      CUTEK®’s timber oils coverage will be different depending on the density of the timber you are intending to coat. Please see below for a guide on the coverage rate of different timbers:

      New hardwoods dressed: 10-20 sqm/litre

      Old restored timber dressed: 7-9 sqm/litre

      New timber rough sawn: 7-9 sqm/litre

      Old restored timber rough sawn: 4-7 sqm/litre

      Shingles and shakes: 2-5 sqm/litre

      Head to our Project Planner to learn more about the best products for your project and use our Coverage Calculator.

    • How many coats of CUTEK® oil are required on new timber?

      We recommend applying two thin coats of CUTEK® timber oil for the initial application. A great solution is to have your timber precoated on all sides with your chosen CUTEK® timber oil by a commercial precoater before it arrives on site – (contact us is you need assistance with this). A further thin coat of CUTEK® oil is then applied after installation. Subsequent maintenance coats should be reapplied when the wood is no longer beading water, or as frequently as necessary to retain the natural beauty and colour of the wood.

    • Can I apply CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative without preparing my timber?

      CUTEK® timber oils must be applied to clean, dry and non-greasy timber. It is vital that previous coatings are removed prior to applying a coat of CUTEK® timber oil.

      CUTEK® timber oil may be applied to new timber without preparation however for the best possible outcomes we recommend using CUTEK® Restore to clean the surface and open up the grain of the timber to assist in the diffusion of CUTEK® timber oil and removal of extractives/tannins.

    • How do I apply CUTEK® Extreme CD50/Wood Preservative?

      STEP 1: Prepare

      Before using CUTEK® oil, ensure the wood to be coated is clean, non-greasy and dry (moisture content must be less than 17%). You must appropriately prepare your timber BEFORE applying CUTEK® oil. It is also very important that the surface of the wood is free from chemical residues and is not exposed to environmental contaminants such as dusts while CUTEK® oil is drying.

      If you have… NEW TIMBER:

      Your timber must be bare, clean and dry before applying CUTEK® oil. If your timber presents with surface contaminants such as stains caused by water, iron or tannins, or chemical residues, we recommend using CUTEK® Restore prior to application of CUTEK® Wood Preservative.


      Old, dirty, stained or grey weathered timber should be prepared and restored by first applying CUTEK® Restore which will remove the grey and reinstate the original natural colour, grain and beauty of your wood prior to application of CUTEK® oils.


      CUTEK® oils must be applied to bare, clean and dry wood. This allows the CUTEK® oil to freely penetrate/diffuse into your timber. Wood previously coated with a film forming product such as stains, linseed oil, paint, polyurethane, water-based oils, etc. can inhibit this penetration/diffusion and must be removed first with CUTEK® Wood Stripper and CUTEK® Restore prior to the application of CUTEK® oil. In some circumstances complete removal of previous coatings by machine sanding/abrasion can also be a suitable preparation method.


      Prepare for a maintenance recoat of CUTEK oil by using CUTEK® Quickclean to remove grease, grime and other dirt from your timber. If maintenance has been neglected for a long period of time and the timber has either greyed, become heavily stained by tannins or iron, or if there is an excessive build-up of CUTEK® Colourtone, use CUTEK® Restore to refresh your timber prior to recoating.

      STEP 2: Protect

      BEFORE YOU PROTECT: After preparing your timber, it will need to be completely dry prior to coating with CUTEK® oil. It is very important that your timber is clean, non-greasy and dry with a moisture content of less than 17%. It is also very important that the surface of the wood is free from chemical residues and is not exposed to environmental contaminants such as dusts while CUTEK® oil is drying.

      WEATHER: Once applied, CUTEK® oil generally requires 2-3 days of dry conditions after coating to facilitate full penetration/diffusion and an even colour finish; so check your weather forecast before coating.

      COLOURTONE: Clear, un-tinted CUTEK® oil will allow your wood to naturally lighten/silver/grey when exposed to sunlight while retaining its protection characteristics. Unless you want a clear finish that will naturally lighten/silver/grey off in a few months, it is important to mix in 1 CUTEK® Colourtone to this can of oil before use.

      APPLICATION: Stir the CUTEK® Oil oil thoroughly (with the added CUTEK® Colourtone if desired) before and during use. Make sure you stir from the bottom of the can to ensure active ingredients are properly mixed throughout the oil. Apply thin, even coats with a brush, paint pad or lambswool applicator. CUTEK®’s DeckBoss brush is a good option. TIP: CUTEK® oil works best when applied as a THIN COAT – two or three thin coats on finished wood and hardwoods are much better than one or two thick coats. For best results, ONE coat of CUTEK® oil should be applied to all faces of the wood prior to installing, and apply a SECOND coat once the first coat has completely penetrated/diffused.

      DRYING TIME: Unlike traditional wood coatings, CUTEK® oil needs to penetrate/diffuse deeply into your timber. After coating, CUTEK® oil will slowly migrate into your wood to repel and displace moisture, improve dimensional stability and lengthen the service life of your timber.

      This penetration/diffusion process varies in time for many reasons including differences in timber type (species, density, porosity, age of timber and residual moisture content) as well as environmental factors (temperature, humidity, weather). Sometimes this drying process can take several days to complete. You will know when your timber is ready for a recoat of CUTEK® oil when it is completely dry and non-greasy. Please note the second coat of CUTEK® oil will take longer to migrate into your timber than the first coat.

      CLEAN-UP: Equipment (including brushes) may be cleaned with turps or soap and water. If not correctly cleaned or disposed of, oily rags and other oily materials may cause combustion fires. After use you MUST immediately spread out all oily material outside to dry, by flattening them out to their full size in an airy spot at temperatures above 4 degrees Celsius, or wash them thoroughly with water and detergent and rinse. Remove all oil from all clothes, tools, rags and any other materials contacted during use or as a result of an accidental spill. Ensure wash water is disposed in accordance with local regulations.

      MAINTENANCE: With CUTEK®, maintenance is simple, fast, and cost effective. CUTEK® oil will not crack, peel or split, and your wood can be easily rejuvenated or restored using our Prepare and Protect system – no need to sand or strip. CUTEK® oil should be reapplied when the wood is no longer beading water, or as frequently as necessary to retain the natural beauty and colour of the wood. Typically, horizontal exterior wood surfaces exposed to full weather such as pool decks and handrails will require re-coating more frequently (initially after 6 months, then annually), while other surfaces such as vertical rough-sawn cladding will need recoating less often.

    • Why do I have to wait between coats?

      CUTEK® timber oil must be allowed to diffuse into the wood and fully cure between coats. If it is not fully dried, and another coat is applied the drying time of the second coat may be extended for much longer than it needs to be.

      The speed of the drying process varies according to many different factors such as density, porosity, species, residual moisture content and temperature.  Precoated timbers will always dry faster if stacked outside.

    • I have just applied CUTEK® exterior oil and it is taking a long time to dry. Why is this?

      CUTEK® oils work by deeply diffusing into the wood and they won’t dry on the surface until this process has been fully completed. The drying process varies in time according to many different factors such as density, porosity, species, residual moisture content and temperature, humidity, wood species and wood density.

      To help ensure your CUTEK® oil dries as quickly as possible, make sure you avoid:

      • Wet wood, or wood with a high moisture content. Your wood should contain a maximum moisture content of 17%, as anything higher can significantly delay the drying process. If this happens, CUTEK® oils may sit on the surface and eventually go tacky without penetrating properly.
      • Cold weather. In cold weather, CUTEK® oils will become thicker and therefore too much oil is applied. Warm oil by placing in a sunny/warm spot before application to make it thinner and enhance penetration.
      • Too many coats too soon. The first application of CUTEK® oil needs to completely diffuse and dry fully before the next coat is applied.
      • Existing oil, stain or paint on the surface. Existing film coats act as a barrier to a CUTEK® oil’s penetration. Old coatings must be fully removed by sanding and or chemical stripping prior to applying any CUTEK® exterior timber oil.

      For best results, always allow CUTEK® oil to fully diffuse before recoating or use.  if you cannot wait, rag off the excess material on the surface and the coating will dry on top at a much faster rate.

    • Do CUTEK® timber oils ever peel or flake?

      No. CUTEK® timber oils (CUTEK® Extreme CD50 and CUTEK® Wood Preservative) will not peel or flake, although over time CUTEK® coated wood will fade where it is exposed to the sun. If this occurs, the timber will require a maintenance coat of Colourtoned CUTEK® oil to maintain your colour choice. The rate of fading will vary depending on species, situation, design, degree of weather exposure and other environmental factors.

  • Technical Info
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